A high number of business owners just see their accountant as a number cruncher to finalise the year end.

That’s where I’m different, I allow all my clients to contact me with whatever crazy idea’s that they have and I’m always there to help or at least point them in the right direction if I’m unable to help.

My latest proud moment was when I was asked to make a report for a client. It sounds easy, just total spend, number of customers, number of deliveries and so on. The tricky bit was how the data was held and the limitations of their system for reporting.

I worked with an incredible programmer called Jordan Dimov from A115 Ltd. Together, (I say that loosely, he did it all with just my input of where to get the data from) we built an online web app which mirrored the manual reports that were produced previously.

We now have a web app that produces each report just by selecting the month and the customer name. The report is fully tailored to how the client wanted and extremely professional looking.

This saved an incredible amount of time, each report used to take an hour, times that by the number of customers and it was becoming a full time job in itself. Now we have the same information ready in minutes.